Who We Are
Teen Reach Adventure Camp or T.R.A.C. is a national program which seeks to provide a Hope and a Future to at-risk youth. The programs of Teen Reach take into account the issues surrounding adolescence, but more importantly the issues that surround youth who have been abused, abandoned and neglected – many of whom reside in foster care or relative care.
Teen Reach Adventure Camp is a 4-day & 3-night camp for at-risk youth ages 12-15 primarily residing in foster care. Campers experience new things, like archery, zip lining, challenge course, swimming, crafts and so much more.
At T.R.A.C., safety is first and foremost. We work hard to provide a non-judgmental experience for each and every camper. All staff are trained in proven techniques to provide effective support for youth with trauma backgrounds. With separate camps for boys and girls, each three-day camp has one counselor for every two campers plus a lot of other staff to promote a safe and fun experience for everyone.

Every year, camps around the country have stories just like these. The program is effective at changing lives for the better. And that means that these youth have a brighter future ahead of them as a result.
The best things in life really are FREE, and so is Teen Reach Adventure Camp. Our volunteers work diligently to raise funds so foster families have no cost. This not only provides a great camp experience for the camper, but also free respite for the foster family.
Our mentoring program specifically supports our local Teen Reach Adventure Camp
Teen Reach Adventure Camps are 100% volunteer run.
100% of all proceeds go towards Teen Reach Adventure Camp.
Our camp has many fun activities including all of the following:

Know More About
Girls July 18-21
Boys July 24-27
We do not charge the campers to attend camp. As always, we have raised the funds to cover all the costs so that we can operate this camp without charging any fee.
Use the button below to go to our online camper application. If the camper has a case-worker, they are the legal guardian and must sign the form. Use the Save feature on the form and send the link to the case-worker for their signature.
Get in touch and let us know how we can help you help us make a difference in the life of a child.
Our mentoring program specifically supporting a Teen Reach Adventure Camp
Teen Reach Adventure Camps are 100% volunteer run and 100% of all funds donated to camps .
It takes a team with many talents and gifts to make camp happen with love and compassion
T.R.A.C. Afternoon Tea &
Fashion Show May 17, 2025
Purchase tickets on fundraiser page.

100% of the proceeds will go towards an at-risk youth summer camp & camper mentorship program.
Join us and make a difference TODAY!
Check out the FUNDRAISER button below for more details.